Drag and drop the events to arrange them from the event that occurred first to the event that occurred last.

1 World War II broke out in Europe as well as in East Asia and Southeast Asia.

2. European nations colonized countries in Southeast Asia.

3. Nations in Southeast Asia demanded and won independence.

4. Europe sent explorers and merchants along the Silk Road and across the Indian Ocean.

4. Europe sent explorers and merchants along the Silk Road and across the Indian Ocean.

2. European nations colonized countries in Southeast Asia.
1. World War II broke out in Europe as well as in East Asia and Southeast Asia.
3. Nations in Southeast Asia demanded and won independence.

To arrange these events in chronological order, we need to examine the time periods in which they occurred.

First, it is important to note that event 4 is unrelated to the other events, as it describes a historical period preceding events 1, 2, and 3.

Now let's arrange events 1, 2, and 3 in chronological order:

4. Europe sent explorers and merchants along the Silk Road and across the Indian Ocean.
2. European nations colonized countries in Southeast Asia.
3. Nations in Southeast Asia demanded and won independence.
1. World War II broke out in Europe as well as in East Asia and Southeast Asia.

To determine the order, we consider that European colonization of Southeast Asia happened before the demand for independence by Southeast Asian nations. Finally, World War II occurred last in this sequence.

Here is the correct order of the events:

4. Europe sent explorers and merchants along the Silk Road and across the Indian Ocean.
2. European nations colonized countries in Southeast Asia.
1. World War II broke out in Europe as well as in East Asia and Southeast Asia.
3. Nations in Southeast Asia demanded and won independence.