The Junior Red Cross is a volunteer youth organization focused on promoting health and serving those who are sick and suffering. It started during World War I to provide relief to soldiers and their families.

Research four other volunteer organizations and create a chart explaining their missions and how the organizations began.

| Organization Name | Mission | How the Organization Began |

| Habitat for Humanity| Fight poverty by providing decent housing | Founded in 1976 by Millard and Linda Fuller to |
| | and promoting affordable homeownership. | address the need for affordable housing. |
| Big Brothers Big | Provide mentoring to children and youth | Founded in 1904 by Ernest Coulter to match |
| Sisters | | orphaned boys with adult male mentors. |
| United Way | Improve lives by mobilizing the caring | Founded in 1887 by a group of Denver |
| | power of communities around the world. | religious leaders to coordinate fundraising |
| | | efforts for various local charities. |
| Doctors Without | Provide medical aid to those affected by | Founded in 1971 by a group of French doctors |
| Borders | natural disasters, war, and epidemics. | and journalists to provide medical assistance |
| | | in Biafra (now Nigeria) during conflict. |

To research four other volunteer organizations, you can start by using search engines and online platforms like Google or Bing. You can also explore social media platforms or philanthropic websites that feature various volunteer organizations. Here is an example chart explaining the missions and origins of four volunteer organizations:

Organization | Mission | Origin
1. United Nations Volunteers (UNV) | To promote peace and development through volunteerism globally. | Established in 1970 by the United Nations General Assembly to serve as a platform for individuals to contribute and engage in volunteer work for sustainable development.
2. Habitat for Humanity | To build affordable and safe housing for people in need, transforming communities worldwide. | Founded in 1976 by Millard and Linda Fuller, advocating for "partnership housing" to help eliminate poverty housing.
3. Doctors Without Borders (Médecins Sans Frontières, MSF) | To provide medical humanitarian assistance to people affected by conflict, epidemics, or natural disasters. | Established in 1971 by a group of French doctors and journalists, stemming from the belief that all people have the right to medical care regardless of race, religion, or political affiliation.
4. Big Brothers Big Sisters | To provide mentorship and guidance to children facing adversity, empowering them to reach their full potential. | Founded in 1904 by a court clerk named Ernest Coulter, who recognized the need for positive role models for young boys growing up without fathers.

Remember, this is just an example. You can find more organizations and customize your chart based on your research.

Sure! Here is a chart showcasing four other volunteer organizations, their missions, and their origins:

| Organization | Mission | Origin |
| Habitat for Humanity | To build and improve affordable housing for those in need. | Founded in 1976 by Millard and Linda Fuller as a grassroots movement to eliminate poverty housing and homelessness. |
| UNICEF | To provide assistance and support to children worldwide. | Established in December 1946 by the United Nations General Assembly to provide emergency food and healthcare to children affected by World War II. |
| Amnesty International | To protect human rights and promote justice globally. | Founded in 1961 by lawyer Peter Benenson, who was outraged by the imprisonment of two Portuguese students and launched a letter-writing campaign in their defense. |
| Doctors Without Borders | To provide medical assistance to those affected by crises. | Created in 1971 by a group of French doctors and journalists who were driven by the idea that all individuals have the right to medical care regardless of their nationality. |

Please note that these organizations may have expanded their missions since their origins, but the provided information highlights their initial goals and beginnings.