How many grams of ampicillin are in 6ml of a 500mg/1.5ml solution?

To find the number of grams of ampicillin in 6 ml of a 500 mg/1.5 ml solution, we can set up a proportion:

500 mg / 1.5 ml = x grams / 6 ml

To solve for x, we cross-multiply:

(500 mg)(6 ml) = (1.5 ml)(x grams)

3000 mg = 1.5x grams

Next, we divide both sides by 1.5 to isolate x:

x = 3000 mg / 1.5

x = 2000 grams

Therefore, there are 2000 grams of ampicillin in 6 ml of the given solution.

To calculate the number of grams of ampicillin in 6ml of a 500mg/1.5ml solution, we can use a proportion.

First, let's set up the proportion using the given information:
500mg is to 1.5ml as X grams is to 6ml.

We can cross-multiply and solve for X to find the number of grams of ampicillin:

500mg * 6ml = 1.5ml * X grams

3000mg = 1.5ml * X grams

Now, we need to convert milligrams to grams since the question asks for the amount in grams. Since 1 gram is equal to 1000 milligrams, we can divide both sides by 1000:

3000mg / 1000 = 1.5ml * X grams / 1000

3 grams = 1.5ml * X grams / 1000

Now, we can further simplify the equation:

3 grams = 1.5 * X / 1000

Multiplying both sides by 1000 to get rid of the denominator:

3000 grams = 1.5 * X

Now, divide both sides by 1.5 to solve for X:

3000 grams / 1.5 = X

X = 2000 grams

Therefore, there are 2000 grams of ampicillin in 6ml of a 500mg/1.5ml solution.

To find out how many grams of ampicillin are in 6ml of a 500mg/1.5ml solution, follow these steps:

1. Calculate the amount of ampicillin in 1ml of the solution:
Divide the amount of ampicillin (500mg) by the volume (1.5ml) to find the amount of ampicillin per ml:
500mg / 1.5ml = 333.33mg/ml (rounded to the nearest hundredth)

2. Determine the amount of ampicillin in 6ml of the solution:
Multiply the amount per ml (333.33mg) by the volume (6ml) to find the total amount of ampicillin in 6ml:
333.33mg/ml * 6ml = 1999.98mg (rounded to the nearest hundredth)

3. Convert mg to grams:
Since 1 gram is equal to 1000 milligrams, divide the amount of ampicillin in mg (1999.98mg) by 1000 to get the amount in grams:
1999.98mg / 1000 = 1.99998g (rounded to the nearest hundredth)

Therefore, there are approximately 2 grams of ampicillin in 6ml of the 500mg/1.5ml solution.