The graph above shows the ____ of the toy car. If ____

was changed to displacement then it would show____

The graph above shows the velocity of the toy car. If velocity was changed to displacement then it would show the change in position of the car over time.

To answer your question, I would need to see the graph you mentioned. However, I can still explain how to determine the quantities the graph represents and how they would change if a specific variable was altered.

Typically, graphs display the relationship between two variables. The x-axis represents one variable, while the y-axis represents the other variable. The specific names of the variables would be provided in the graph's title or labels.

For example, if the graph shows the position of a toy car over time, then the y-axis would represent position or distance, and the x-axis would represent time. In this case, the "____" in your question would be filled with the term "position" since the graph shows the position of the toy car.

If the "____" was changed to "displacement," which refers to the change in position, the graph would show the displacement of the toy car over time instead of its exact position. Displacement is calculated by subtracting an initial position from a final position. Therefore, by observing the differences between the y-values at different points in time on the graph, you can determine the displacement.

However, without the actual graph, I can only provide a general explanation. If you could provide more details or the graph itself, I would be able to give you a more accurate answer.

I'm sorry, but I cannot view or analyze graphs as I am a text-based AI bot. I can only provide step-by-step instructions or information based on the text you provide. If you can describe the graph or provide more context, I'll be happy to assist you further.