Four friends ran a 5k to raise money for their school. The graph shows their rates as a ratio of distance measured in kilometers and time in minutes. Based on the points shown, name the person who ran 2 1/2 km in 45 minutes.

1. Ruby
2. Bella
3. Paul
4. Greg

Based on the graph, the person who ran 2 1/2 km in 45 minutes is Greg.

To determine the person who ran 2 1/2 km in 45 minutes, we need to find the point on the graph that corresponds to these values.

Looking at the graph, we can see that the x-axis represents distance (km) and the y-axis represents time (minutes). We need to find the point where the distance is 2 1/2 km (2.5 km) and the time is 45 minutes.

First, find the point on the graph where the x-value is 2.5 km. Trace a vertical line upwards from this point until it intersects with one of the lines representing the four friends.

Next, trace a horizontal line from the intersection point on the line until it intersects with the y-axis at 45 minutes.

The person whose line intersects both the vertical line at 2.5 km and the horizontal line at 45 minutes is the one who ran 2 1/2 km in 45 minutes.

Based on the graph and the intersections, the person who ran 2 1/2 km in 45 minutes is Greg.

To determine which person ran 2 1/2 km in 45 minutes, let's examine the graph. The person with a rate of 1 km in 15 minutes would be the one who ran 2 1/2 km in 45 minutes.

From the graph, we can see that Bella has a rate of 1 km in 15 minutes. Therefore, Bella is the person who ran 2 1/2 km in 45 minutes.