What happened at the Battle of Kettle Creek (select two)?(2 points) Responses Patriot forces defeated a much larger Loyalist militia Patriot forces defeated a much larger Loyalist militia Loyalist forces defeated a much larger Patriot militia Loyalist forces defeated a much larger Patriot militia Patriots acquired weapons, ammunition, and horses from the captured Loyalists that they desperately needed Patriots acquired weapons, ammunition, and horses from the captured Loyalists that they desperately needed The Patriots were able to successfully recapture Savannah

At the Battle of Kettle Creek:

1. Patriot forces defeated a much larger Loyalist militia.
2. Patriots acquired weapons, ammunition, and horses from the captured Loyalists that they desperately needed.

The correct responses are:

1. Patriot forces defeated a much larger Loyalist militia.
2. Patriots acquired weapons, ammunition, and horses from the captured Loyalists that they desperately needed.

At the Battle of Kettle Creek, two significant events occurred:

1. Patriot forces defeated a much larger Loyalist militia: This victory was achieved by the Patriots, who were able to overcome the odds and defeat a larger Loyalist militia. This outcome played a crucial role in the American Revolutionary War.

2. Patriots acquired weapons, ammunition, and horses from the captured Loyalists that they desperately needed: As a result of the battle, the Patriots were able to seize valuable resources from the defeated Loyalists. This included weapons, ammunition, and horses, which were essential for the Patriots' military efforts. Acquiring these supplies bolstered the Patriots' strength and ability to continue fighting.

It is important to note that the statement "The Patriots were able to successfully recapture Savannah" is not accurate in the context of the Battle of Kettle Creek. The Battle of Kettle Creek took place in Georgia on February 14, 1779, while the Siege of Savannah (which resulted in the British successfully defending Savannah against Patriot and French forces) occurred from September to October 1779.

Which country tried to help the Patriots recapture Savannah?(1 point) Responses Spain Spain England England Canada Canada France

The correct response is France. France provided military support to the Patriots during the American Revolutionary War and attempted to help in the recapture of Savannah.

Which of the following are reasons that the British may have decided Savannah was a good target for them to recapture (select two)?(2 points) Responses They thought they would find gold in Savannah They thought they would find gold in Savannah They wanted to control the port to eliminate Patriot access to trade They wanted to control the port to eliminate Patriot access to trade Loyalist support was stronger in Georgia than other colonies Loyalist support was stronger in Georgia than other colonies Savannah had become the capital of the 13 colonies.

The correct responses are:

1. They wanted to control the port to eliminate Patriot access to trade: Savannah was a strategically important port city, and capturing it would allow the British to gain control over trade routes and limit Patriot access to supplies and resources.
2. Loyalist support was stronger in Georgia than other colonies: Georgia had a significant presence of Loyalists who supported the British cause. The British hoped to capitalize on this support and strengthen their position in the region by recapturing Savannah.