Define First-aid

First aid refers to the immediate and initial assistance or care provided to a person who has been injured or suddenly falls ill. It is the initial medical response that aims to stabilize and preserve life until professional medical help arrives. First aid can include providing basic medical treatment, such as performing CPR, controlling bleeding, treating burns or minor injuries, managing shock or fractures, and assisting with breathing difficulties. The primary goal of first aid is to prevent further harm, promote recovery, and increase the person's chances of survival.

First aid refers to the initial assistance or treatment given to a person who has been injured or is suddenly taken ill. It is the immediate care provided to a person before professional medical help arrives. First aid aims to preserve life, prevent the condition from worsening, and promote recovery. It includes simple techniques and procedures that can be performed by anyone with basic knowledge and skills, such as CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation), stopping bleeding, applying dressings or bandages, and providing comfort and reassurance to the injured or ill person. The primary goal of first aid is to stabilize the individual's condition and provide them with the best possible chance of survival and recovery.

First-aid is the initial assistance or care given to a person who has been injured or suddenly becomes ill. It involves simple techniques that can be performed by anyone with basic training and does not require extensive medical knowledge or equipment. The primary objective of first-aid is to preserve life, prevent the condition from worsening, and promote recovery until professional medical help arrives.

To get a comprehensive definition of first-aid, you can consult various sources such as medical textbooks, online medical encyclopedias, or official guidelines and protocols published by reputable health organizations like the Red Cross or the American Heart Association. These sources provide detailed information about the principles, techniques, and procedures involved in providing first-aid in different situations. They can help you understand the theoretical aspects of first-aid as well as practical tips on how to handle various emergencies effectively.