Which example shows an object acted on by two balanced forces?(1 point) Responses A baseball rolling to a stop A baseball rolling to a stop A car moving at a constant speed in a constant direction A car moving at a constant speed in a constant direction A snowflake landing on a roof A snowflake landing on a roof A skateboard rolling down a hill with increasing speed

A car moving at a constant speed in a constant direction

The example that shows an object acted on by two balanced forces is: A car moving at a constant speed in a constant direction.

The correct example that shows an object acted on by two balanced forces is option 3: A car moving at a constant speed in a constant direction.

To determine if an object is acted on by balanced forces, you need to analyze the forces acting on the object. In this case, a car moving at a constant speed means that the forces acting on it are balanced.

When an object is in motion and its speed remains constant, it means that the forces acting on the object in the forward direction (such as the force of the engine) are balanced by the forces acting on it in the opposite direction (such as friction and air resistance). This balance of forces results in the car maintaining a constant speed in a constant direction.