What should a reader do if they do not recognize the reference made by an allusion? (1 point)

O Recall the definition of allusion.
O Look up the word or phrase.
• Use context clues.
• Look for analogies.

• Use context clues.

The reader should do the following if they do not recognize the reference made by an allusion:

1. Recall the definition of allusion: A reader can start by recalling the definition of allusion, which is a figure of speech that makes a reference to a person, place, event, or literary work. Understanding the concept of allusion can help the reader identify when it is being used.

2. Look up the word or phrase: If the reader is unsure about the reference, they can look up the word or phrase mentioned in the allusion. By doing this, the reader can gain a better understanding of the reference and its relevance to the text.

3. Use context clues: Reading the surrounding text and examining the context in which the allusion is used can provide helpful clues. The reader should pay attention to any related information or clues that might indicate what the allusion is referring to. This could include historical events, cultural references, or commonly known stories.

4. Look for analogies: The reader can look for analogies or similarities within the text. If the allusion is comparing something to a well-known concept or story, finding the similarities between the two can help the reader understand the reference being made.

By following these steps, a reader can work towards understanding an allusion even if they do not initially recognize the reference being made.

When a reader comes across an allusion and doesn't recognize the reference being made, there are a few steps they can take to better understand it:

1. Recall the definition of allusion: The reader should try to remember what an allusion is. An allusion is a figure of speech or a reference to a person, place, event, or work of literature that the author expects the reader to be familiar with. Understanding the definition can help the reader recognize and analyze the purpose of the allusion.

2. Look up the word or phrase: If the reader is unsure about the specific reference being made, they can search for the word or phrase online or in a dictionary. This can provide information about the reference and help the reader gain a deeper understanding of its meaning and significance in the context of the text.

3. Use context clues: Reading the sentence or paragraph surrounding the allusion can often provide hints or clues about its meaning. The reader should pay attention to the words, phrases, or ideas that are being associated with the allusion. These clues can lead to a better understanding of the reference.

4. Look for analogies: Sometimes, even if the reader doesn't recognize the direct reference, they may be able to understand it by finding analogous figures or events from other sources they are familiar with. By drawing comparisons and finding similarities between known and unknown references, the reader can make connections and gain a better understanding of the allusion.

By following these steps, the reader can increase their chances of understanding an allusion that they initially do not recognize, and enhance their overall comprehension and enjoyment of the text.