Mr Young is buying a house. He can spend no more than 29 percent of his income on monthly house payments. If he earns 4,200 per month, what is the largest monthly house payment he can make?

To calculate the largest monthly house payment Mr Young can make, we need to find 29% of his monthly income of $4,200.

29% of $4,200 = (29/100) * $4,200 = $1218

Therefore, the largest monthly house payment he can make is $1218. Answer: \boxed{1218}.

To find the largest monthly house payment Mr. Young can make, we need to calculate 29 percent of his income.

Step 1: Calculate 29 percent of his income:
29% × $4,200 = (29/100) × $4,200
= $1,218

Therefore, the largest monthly house payment Mr. Young can make is $1,218.

To find the largest monthly house payment Mr. Young can make, we need to determine 29 percent of his monthly income.

To calculate this, we multiply his income by 29 percent (or 0.29).

Step 1: Multiply Mr. Young's monthly income by 29 percent or 0.29.
0.29 * $4,200 = $1,218

The largest monthly house payment Mr. Young can make is $1,218.