Which describes the process of breaking down rocks into smaller pieces?

A. Erosion
B. Chemistry
C. Weathering
D. Ice wedging

C. Weathering

C. Weathering

The correct answer is C. Weathering.

Weathering is the process of breaking down rocks into smaller pieces through various mechanisms. It can occur through physical, chemical, and biological processes. In the case of rocks breaking down into smaller pieces, mechanical weathering is the primary mechanism involved.

To arrive at this answer, you can eliminate options A, B, and D by understanding their definitions:

A. Erosion refers to the process of moving and transporting the weathered material (rock fragments, soil, etc.) to different locations by means of water, wind, ice, or gravity. While erosion can result in the transportation of smaller rock pieces, it is not the process solely responsible for breaking the rocks down.

B. Chemistry, in the context of the question, is not the appropriate term to describe the process of breaking down rocks into smaller pieces. Chemistry usually refers to the study of the properties, composition, and behavior of substances, rather than the process of physical breakdown.

D. Ice wedging is a specific type of mechanical weathering caused by the expansion of water when it freezes in the cracks and crevices of rocks. While this process contributes to the breaking down of rocks, it is just one form of mechanical weathering, not the encompassing process itself.

Therefore, after eliminating the incorrect options, we are left with C. Weathering as the correct choice.