There are two groups of items. Match the items in group 1 with the items in group 2.

Group 1:
-SiS therm thermo-
Group 2:
condition of
beyond, excessive
around, about

blast/blasto-: germ

-rhexis: rupture
SiS therm thermo-: heat
ultra-: beyond, excessive
peri-: around, about
osteo-: bone

Sure! Here's the matching of the items in Group 1 with the items in Group 2:

Group 1:
1. blast/blasto- → germ
2. -rhexis → rupture
3. SiS therm thermo- → heat
4. ultra- → beyond, excessive
5. peri- → around, about
6. osteo- → bone

Group 2:
1. germ → condition of
2. rupture → beyond, excessive
3. heat → around, about
4. beyond, excessive → heat
5. around, about → beyond, excessive
6. bone → germ

Let me know if there is anything else I can assist you with!

To match the items in Group 1 with the items in Group 2, you can analyze the prefixes and suffixes in each item. Here's how you can do it:

1. blast/blasto-: This prefix/suffix typically refers to something related to development, growth, or cells. In Group 2, "germ" matches this description.

2. -rhexis: This suffix indicates a rupture or breaking. In Group 2, "rupture" matches this description.

3. SiS therm thermo-: This is a combination of prefixes/suffixes related to heat or temperature. In Group 2, "heat" matches this description.

4. ultra-: This prefix indicates something beyond, excessive, or extreme. In Group 2, "beyond, excessive" matches this description.

5. peri-: This prefix typically indicates something that is around or about. In Group 2, "around, about" matches this description.

6. osteo-: This prefix is typically related to bones. In Group 2, "bone" matches this description.

Now that we have matched the items, here is the result:
blast/blasto- : germ
-rhexis : rupture
SiS therm thermo- : heat
ultra- : beyond, excessive
peri- : around, about
osteo- : bone