which word or phrase from the sentece use domain specific language

To diagnose the problem, the doctor used medical terminology to discuss the patient's symptoms and possible treatment options.

The word "medical terminology" in this sentence uses domain-specific language as it refers to the specific vocabulary and technical terms specific to the field of medicine.

To identify whether a word or phrase uses domain-specific language within a sentence, you'll need to analyze the context and subject matter of the sentence. Domain-specific language refers to specialized terminology that is specific to a particular field or domain.

For example, consider the sentence:
"The patient presented with symptoms of tachycardia and dyspnea."

In this sentence, the words "tachycardia" and "dyspnea" are domain-specific language because they are medical terms used in the field of healthcare. These terms may not be commonly understood by the general public but are commonly used and recognized within the medical domain.

To identify domain-specific language in a sentence, you can look for technical terms, jargon, acronyms, or specific phrases that are specific to a particular field.

In order to identify the word or phrase from the sentence that uses domain-specific language, I would need the specific sentence you are referring to. Please provide the sentence, and I'll be able to assist you further.

which word or phrase from the sentece use domain specific language

because so many people used the company's poorly made product the lawers decided to file a class action

In the sentence provided, there is no word or phrase that uses domain-specific language. The sentence is discussing a general concept of lawyers filing a class action lawsuit due to numerous people using the company's poorly made product. No specific jargon or technical terms related to a specific field or domain are present in this sentence.