Which cause of wildfires is least likely to lead to catastrophic results?(1 point)


unattended campfire
unattended campfire


lightning strike
lightning strike

controlled burn

controlled burn

The cause of wildfires that is least likely to lead to catastrophic results is a controlled burn.

To determine which cause of wildfires is least likely to lead to catastrophic results, we will analyze each option:

1. Unattended campfire: An unattended campfire can easily spread and ignite nearby vegetation, leading to a larger fire. If left uncontrolled, it has the potential to cause significant damage and loss. Therefore, unattended campfires are not the least likely cause for catastrophic results.

2. Arson: Deliberate acts of setting fires, such as arson, can have disastrous consequences. Specially started fires can quickly grow out of control and cause widespread destruction. Arson is definitely not the least likely cause for catastrophic results.

3. Lightning strike: While lightning strikes can ignite wildfires, they are often associated with natural disasters and occur in remote areas with less human presence. Additionally, lightning-caused fires are more likely to be detected and addressed early on, reducing the chance of catastrophic outcomes. However, it is essential to note that lightning can still lead to significant fires, especially in certain conditions. Therefore, a lightning strike is not the least likely cause for catastrophic results.

4. Controlled burn: A controlled burn refers to a deliberately set and carefully managed fire conducted by trained professionals to eliminate the buildup of flammable vegetation. These burns are executed under controlled conditions to minimize the risk of an uncontrolled wildfire. As a result, when performed correctly, controlled burns are the least likely cause of catastrophic results. They serve as a proactive approach to mitigate potential wildfire risks.

In conclusion, out of the options provided, the cause of wildfires least likely to lead to catastrophic results is a controlled burn.