After selecting a topic, choosing an organizational strategy, and brainstorming ideas, what is the next step in writing an informational text?(1 point)


choosing a good title
choosing a good title

writing an introduction
writing an introduction

writing body paragraphs
writing body paragraphs

creating an outline
creating an outline

writing an introduction

The next step in writing an informational text after selecting a topic, choosing an organizational strategy, and brainstorming ideas is creating an outline.

The next step in writing an informational text, after selecting a topic, choosing an organizational strategy, and brainstorming ideas, is creating an outline. An outline provides a framework for organizing your ideas and helps you structure your writing effectively. It acts as a roadmap, allowing you to plan the flow and sequence of your content. By outlining the main points and supporting details that you want to include in your text, you can ensure that your information is presented in a logical and coherent manner. It also helps you stay focused on your main ideas and prevents your writing from becoming disorganized or disjointed. Once you have created a well-structured outline, you can then proceed to write the introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion of your informational text based on the outline you have prepared.