Which analogy shows a part-whole relationship?

A fin is to a fish as flight is to a bird.
A fin is to a fish as flight is to a bird.
A fin is to a fish as singing is to a bird.
A fin is to a fish as singing is to a bird.
A fin is to a fish as a nest is to a bird.
A fin is to a fish as a nest is to a bird.
A fin is to a fish as a wing is to a bird.

A fin is to a fish as a wing is to a bird.

The analogy that shows a part-whole relationship is: "A fin is to a fish as a wing is to a bird."

The correct analogy that shows a part-whole relationship is: "A fin is to a fish as a wing is to a bird." In this analogy, the relationship is between a fin and a fish, which represents a smaller part of the whole organism. Similarly, a wing represents a part of a bird's body. Thus, the analogy correctly demonstrates the part-whole relationship.