Choose the correct word that goes in the blank:(1 point)

Clearcutting also causes
which can lead to

soil erosion.


The word that goes in the blank is "erosion". To understand why clearcutting causes erosion, we need to know what clearcutting means. Clearcutting is a logging practice where all trees in a specific area are cut down, leaving no trees standing. Clearcutting removes the protective canopy layer of the forest, which helps to bind the soil and prevent erosion.

Without the canopy, the soil becomes exposed to the elements, such as rainfall and wind. Rainfall can wash away the top layer of soil, which contains important nutrients for plant growth. Wind can also blow away loose soil particles. As a result, the soil becomes more susceptible to erosion.

So, to answer the question correctly, we need to choose the word "erosion" to describe the negative consequence of clearcutting.