The quadratic equation x^2+4x−32=0 can be solved by factoring. Which of the following is the factored form?\

(x+8)(x−4)=0 left parenthesis x plus 8 right parenthesis left parenthesis x minus 4 right parenthesis equals 0 (x+4)(x+8)=0 left parenthesis x plus 4 right parenthesis left parenthesis x plus 8 right parenthesis equals 0 (x+4)(x−8)=0 left parenthesis x plus 4 right parenthesis left parenthesis x minus 8 right parenthesis equals 0 (x−4)(x−8)=0

The correct factored form of the quadratic equation x^2+4x−32=0 is (x+8)(x-4)=0.

Which of the following equations has exactly the same solutions as (x−7)(x+9)=0 ?

x2+2x=−63 x squared plus 2 x equals negative 63 x2=−2x+63 x squared equals negative 2 x plus 63 x2=2x−63 x squared equals 2 x minus 63 x2−2x−63=0

The equation x^2+2x=−63 has exactly the same solutions as (x−7)(x+9)=0.

What should be the value of b in x2+bx−55=0 so that its solutions are −11 and 5?

−16 negative 16 16 16 6 6 −6

To determine the value of b in the quadratic equation x^2 + bx - 55 = 0 with solutions -11 and 5, we can use the fact that the sum of the solutions of a quadratic equation is equal to the negation of the coefficient of the linear term (b) divided by the coefficient of the quadratic term (1 in this case).

Thus, (-11 + 5) = -b/1.

Simplifying, -6 = -b.

Therefore, b = 6.

Solve the following quadratic equation using the perfect square trinomial pattern: x^2−16x+64.

x=−64 x equals negative 64 x=8 x equals 8 x=64 x equals 64 x=−8

To solve the quadratic equation x^2 - 16x + 64 using the perfect square trinomial pattern, we can recognize that it is a perfect square trinomial: (x - 8)^2.

Using the pattern, we can conclude that the solutions are x = 8.

Therefore, x = 8.

Gabriel was asked to solve x^2−36=0 by factoring using the difference of squares pattern. What is/are the correct solution(s)?

x=18, x=−18 x equals 18 , x equals negative 18 x=6, x=−6 x equals 6 , x equals negative 6 x=6 x equals 6 x=−6

To solve the quadratic equation x^2 - 36 = 0 using the difference of squares pattern, we can rewrite it as (x + 6)(x - 6) = 0.

Setting each factor equal to zero, we get x + 6 = 0 which gives x = -6, and x - 6 = 0 which gives x = 6.

Therefore, the correct solutions are x = 6 and x = -6.

To find the factored form of the quadratic equation x^2+4x−32=0, we need to factor the equation.

First, we determine the factors of the constant term (-32) that add up to the coefficient of the x term (4).

The factors of -32 are:
1 and -32
2 and -16
4 and -8

After testing these factor pairs, we find that the factors 4 and -8 are the ones that add up to 4.

Therefore, we can rewrite the equation as (x + 4)(x - 8) = 0.

So, the correct factored form is (x + 4)(x - 8) = 0.