to whom do you think johnson was referring when he excludes from the amnesty '' all persons who have been engaged in the destruction of the commerce of the united states upon the high seas''?

Based on the given information, it can be inferred that Johnson was referring to individuals or groups involved in disrupting or damaging the trade and commerce activities of the United States in maritime areas. This could include pirates, privateers, or any other group involved in the destruction or obstruction of American commerce on the high seas.

When President Johnson excludes from the amnesty "all persons who have been engaged in the destruction of the commerce of the United States upon the high seas," he is referring to individuals involved in actions that resulted in the sabotage or destruction of American ships or disrupted U.S. maritime trade. This could include pirates, privateers, or any other individuals responsible for attacking American vessels or impeding maritime commerce during that time period.

To understand whom President Johnson was referring to when excluding "all persons who have been engaged in the destruction of the commerce of the United States upon the high seas" from the amnesty, we need to look at the historical context.

First, it's important to note that you are referring to a specific statement made by President Andrew Johnson. To retrieve the exact context and details of this statement, you can search for historical records, speeches, or documents from President Johnson's tenure. Online databases of presidential archives or historical research websites can provide you with accurate information.

Once you have retrieved the specific statement, you will likely find that this exclusion from the amnesty pertains to certain individuals involved in acts of piracy or attacks on American commerce at sea.

During Andrew Johnson's presidency (1865-1869), piracy was still a significant concern in certain parts of the world, particularly areas known for piracy activities such as the Caribbean, Gulf of Mexico, or the Barbary Coast in North Africa. There were instances of attacks on American shipping, which disrupted commerce and posed a threat to the nation's economy.

To ascertain who was being excluded, you can examine historical records, newspapers, or journals from that time period. Search for news articles or government reports that document acts of piracy, individuals involved in such activities, or any legal actions or declarations made by the government regarding these incidents.

By analyzing these historical documents, you will be able to understand the specific individuals who were engaged in the destruction of American commerce upon the high seas, as referred to by President Johnson.