Category 4: Evaluate the Overall Effectiveness/Impact of each speech (2 +2 = 4) + (2 +2= 4) = (8 marks)

Speech 1: Dananjaya Hettiarachchi Speech 2: Mohammed Qahtani
Category 3: Overall Effectiveness/Impact of Each Address (20 marks)
Most Appealing Aspects and Reasons:
Most Appealing Aspects and Reasons:

Least Appealing Aspects and Reasons:
Least Appealing Aspects and Reasons:

To evaluate the overall effectiveness/impact of each speech, you need to consider the most and least appealing aspects of both speeches. Here's how you can approach it:

1. Listen to each speech: Start by watching or listening to Speech 1 by Dananjaya Hettiarachchi and Speech 2 by Mohammed Qahtani. Take note of key points, rhetorical devices, delivery techniques, and any other aspects that stand out to you.

2. Identify most appealing aspects: Consider which aspects of each speech were the most appealing to you. This could include factors like strong delivery, compelling storytelling, persuasive arguments, emotional connections, or any unique and interesting elements. Note down the specific reasons why these aspects stood out to you.

3. Identify least appealing aspects: Similarly, think about which aspects of each speech were the least appealing to you. These could be things like weak or confusing arguments, lack of coherence or organization, monotonous delivery, excessive use of jargon, or any other aspect that hindered your engagement with the speech. Again, jot down the specific reasons for your assessment.

4. Evaluate the impact: Now, consider the overall impact of each speech based on the most and least appealing aspects. Evaluate how effective each speaker was in delivering their message, engaging the audience, and achieving their speech's purpose. Compare and contrast the impact of Speech 1 and Speech 2, taking into account the strengths and weaknesses you identified in steps 2 and 3.

5. Assign scores: Lastly, assign scores for Speech 1 and Speech 2 based on their overall effectiveness/impact. You can use a scale of 0-4 for each speech, with 0 being the least effective and 4 being the most effective. Consider the assessment criteria and assign scores accordingly.

By following these steps, you can evaluate the overall effectiveness/impact of each speech and provide a comprehensive assessment.

Speech 1: Dananjaya Hettiarachchi

Most Appealing Aspects:
1) Engaging storytelling: Hettiarachchi's speech was captivating due to his ability to weave personal anecdotes and stories that resonated with the audience. This helped to keep the audience engaged and interested in the message he was conveying.
2) Emotional connection: The speech was able to evoke strong emotions in the audience, as Hettiarachchi shared personal struggles and triumphs. This created a powerful connection between the speaker and the listeners, making the speech impactful.

Least Appealing Aspects:
1) Lack of structure: Hettiarachchi's speech lacked a clear structure, which made it difficult to follow at times. This could have been improved by organizing his points more logically and providing clearer transitions between ideas.
2) Limited use of visuals: The speech relied heavily on verbal storytelling, with minimal use of visual aids. This may have made it harder for the audience to fully grasp and remember the key messages of the speech.

Speech 2: Mohammed Qahtani
Most Appealing Aspects:
1) Clear and concise delivery: Qahtani's speech was highly effective due to his precise delivery. He effectively communicated his ideas and points without unnecessary repetition or verbosity, making it easier for the audience to understand.
2) Use of humor: Qahtani incorporated humor into his speech, which helped to engage the audience and create a positive and enjoyable atmosphere. This made his message more memorable and relatable.

Least Appealing Aspects:
1) Lack of personal connection: Unlike Hettiarachchi's speech, Qahtani's speech lacked personal anecdotes or stories that could have created a stronger emotional connection with the audience. This made the speech less impactful in terms of connecting with the listeners on a deeper level.
2) Limited use of visual aids: Similar to Hettiarachchi's speech, Qahtani's speech relied primarily on verbal delivery without much use of visual aids. This could have been enhanced by incorporating more visual elements to support and reinforce his points.

It seems like you are evaluating the overall effectiveness and impact of two speeches, one by Dananjaya Hettiarachchi and the other by Mohammed Qahtani. However, the specific aspects and reasons for their appeal or lack thereof are not provided. Can you please provide more information on the most appealing and least appealing aspects of each speech, along with the reasons for your evaluation?