If Brandon walks 3.5 km in 16 minutes, how far can he walk in a third of an hour (in kilometers at the same rate)

Since there are 60 minutes in an hour, a third of an hour is 60/3 = <<60/3=20>>20 minutes.

If Brandon walks 3.5 km in 16 minutes, he can walk 3.5/16 = <<3.5/16=0.21875>>0.21875 km in a minute.
Therefore, in 20 minutes, he can walk 0.21875 x 20 = <<0.21875*20=4.375>>4.375 km. Answer: \boxed{4.375}.

To find out how far Brandon can walk in a third of an hour, we need to determine the distance he covers in one hour and then divide it by 3.

We know that Brandon walks 3.5 km in 16 minutes. To convert that to an hourly rate, we can calculate how many sets of 16 minutes are in an hour:

60 minutes / 16 minutes ≈ 3.75 sets

Therefore, Brandon walks roughly 3.75 sets of 3.5 km in an hour:

3.75 sets × 3.5 km/set = 13.125 km/hour

To find the distance he can walk in a third of an hour, we divide this rate by 3:

13.125 km/hour ÷ 3 = 4.375 km

Therefore, Brandon can walk approximately 4.375 km in a third of an hour at the same rate.

To find out how far Brandon can walk in a third of an hour, we need to determine the distance covered by Brandon in one minute and multiply it by the number of minutes in a third of an hour.

Brandon walks 3.5 km in 16 minutes.

Step 1: Calculate the distance covered by Brandon in one minute.
Distance covered in one minute = 3.5 km / 16 minutes

Step 2: Calculate the number of minutes in a third of an hour.
One hour has 60 minutes, and a third of an hour is equal to 60 minutes divided by 3.
Number of minutes in a third of an hour = 60 minutes / 3 = 20 minutes

Step 3: Multiply the distance covered in one minute by the number of minutes in a third of an hour.
Distance covered in a third of an hour = Distance covered in one minute * Number of minutes in a third of an hour

Let's calculate the result.

Distance covered in one minute = 3.5 km / 16 minutes = 0.21875 km/minute

Distance covered in a third of an hour = 0.21875 km/minute * 20 minutes

Therefore, Brandon can walk 4.375 km in a third of an hour at the same rate.