from The Canterbury Tales, “The Pardoner’s Tale”

In “The Pardoner’s Tale,” what is ironic about the rioters’
discovery of gold in the place where they were looking for
(1 point)
They do not realize that the gold actually belongs to Death.
It makes them realize that Death is not an actual person.
They realize that they prefer Death to gold.
Their greed over the gold leads to their actual deaths.

The correct answer is: They do not realize that the gold actually belongs to Death.

The irony in "The Pardoner's Tale" regarding the rioters' discovery of gold in the place where they were looking for Death is that their greed for the gold ultimately leads to their actual deaths. This is ironic because they were seeking Death, yet their obsession with material wealth ended up causing their demise.

To answer this question, we need to analyze the events and elements of irony in "The Pardoner's Tale" from The Canterbury Tales.

1. Read the text: First, read the relevant part of "The Pardoner's Tale" to understand the context and events leading to the discovery of gold. Pay attention to the actions and attitudes of the characters.

2. Identify the situation: In the tale, three rioters initially set out to find and kill Death after hearing about the death of their friend. However, they come across an old man who tells them that they can find Death under a nearby oak tree.

3. Identify the irony: The irony lies in their discovery of the gold under the tree instead of Death. The gold they find is an unexpected twist because they were seeking Death. This turn of events creates dramatic irony, as the readers know that their pursuit of Death has led to the exact opposite - finding material wealth.

4. Analyze the implications: The irony lies in the fact that their desire for the gold, representing their greed and materialistic instincts, eventually leads to their downfall. In their pursuit of wealth, they abandon their original intention of seeking Death and end up losing their lives.

Therefore, the correct answer to the question "What is ironic about the rioters' discovery of gold in the place where they were looking for Death?" is that their greed over the gold leads to their actual deaths.