For which of the following is the great Pharaoh Ramses II known?

Pharaoh Ramses II, also known as Ramses the Great, is known for the following:

1. Longest Reign: Ramses II had one of the longest reigns in Egyptian history, ruling for 66 years from 1279 to 1213 BCE.

2. Military Conquests: He led numerous military campaigns and is credited with expanding Egypt's territory, particularly into Canaan (modern-day Israel), Syria, and Nubia (modern-day Sudan).

3. Battle at Kadesh: Ramses II fought a famous battle against the Hittites at Kadesh, considered one of the largest chariot battles in history. Although neither side achieved a clear victory, Ramses II portrayed it as a triumph in his official accounts.

4. Monumental Building Projects: Ramses II commissioned numerous grand building projects, including the construction of vast temples, statues, and his own mortuary temple, known as the Ramesseum.

5. Statue of Ramses II at Abu Simbel: He ordered the construction of the iconic rock-cut temples at Abu Simbel, which included massive statues of himself, with the purpose of showcasing his power and projecting an image of eternal rule.

6. Family and Descendants: Ramses II had many wives and children, and he is known for his large family. His descendants continued to rule Egypt for several generations after his death.

7. Peace Treaties: Despite engaging in military campaigns, Ramses II is also known for negotiating peace treaties, most notably the treaty with the Hittites known as the Treaty of Kadesh, which is considered the earliest recorded peace treaty in history.

Overall, Ramses II is considered one of the most powerful and prolific pharaohs of ancient Egypt, leaving a significant mark on its history and culture.

The first step to finding the answer is to gather information about Pharaoh Ramses II. Ramses II, also known as Ramses the Great, was one of the most powerful and influential pharaohs of ancient Egypt. He reigned for around 66 years, from 1279 to 1213 BCE, during the New Kingdom period.

To determine the accomplishments for which Ramses II is known, we can consult various reliable sources such as history books, academic articles, or reputable websites. Let's look into some of his notable achievements:

1. Military campaigns: Ramses II was renowned for his military prowess and led numerous successful military campaigns. He fought against external enemies, including the Hittites, Syrians, Libyans, and Nubians. One of his most famous battles was the Battle of Kadesh, a conflict between Egypt and the Hittite Empire.

2. Architectural endeavors: Ramses II was a significant builder and left his mark through various construction projects. His most famous architectural masterpiece is the Temple of Abu Simbel, which consists of two massive rock-cut temples adorned with colossal statues of Ramses II. He also built other temples and monumental structures throughout Egypt.

3. Peace treaties: Ramses II is known for his diplomatic skills and negotiation capabilities. He sealed the first recorded peace treaty in history, called the Treaty of Kadesh, with the Hittites. This treaty marked the end of hostilities between the two empires and established diplomatic relations.

4. Human legacy: Ramses II was renowned for fathering a large number of children—estimated to be around 100. He was known for his efforts to ensure the prosperity and continuity of his dynasty.

Considering these achievements, Ramses II is primarily known for his military campaigns, architectural endeavors, peace treaties, and prolific fatherhood.

Pharaoh Ramses II, also known as Ramses the Great, is known for several accomplishments and historical events. Here are some significant achievements for which he is famous:

1. Longest Reign: Ramses II reigned over Egypt for a remarkable 66 years, from 1279 BC to 1213 BC. This makes him one of the longest-reigning pharaohs in ancient Egyptian history.

2. Military Victories: Ramses II is renowned for his military expeditions and numerous victories. One of his most significant achievements was the Battle of Kadesh, fought against the Hittite Empire in present-day Syria. Although the battle ended in a stalemate, Ramses II's reputation as a great military leader was solidified.

3. Monumental Architecture: Ramses II was involved in extensive building projects across Egypt, leaving behind impressive architectural structures. The most notable is the temple complex known as Abu Simbel, located in southern Egypt. The complex features massive statues of Ramses II carved into the rock, showcasing his grandeur and power.

4. Peace Treaty: Despite his military campaigns, Ramses II is also known for signing the first recorded peace treaty in history. The peace treaty, known as the Treaty of Kadesh, was negotiated with the Hittite Empire after their conflicts at the Battle of Kadesh. This treaty established a peaceful alliance between the two empires and lasted for many years.

5. Family Legacy: Ramses II had a large family and is considered one of the most prolific pharaohs in terms of offspring. His many children and wives played significant roles in Egyptian history, and his descendants held influence over the country long after his reign.

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