When velocity is positive and acceleration is negative, what happens to the object's motion? (AKS 1b2)

Question 3 options:

The object's velocity remains at zero - it is at rest.

The object's velocity remains constant.

The object slows down.

The object speeds up.

The object slows down.

When velocity is positive and acceleration is negative, the object's motion will slow down.

To understand what happens to the object's motion when the velocity is positive and the acceleration is negative, we need to know the relationship between velocity and acceleration.

Velocity is a measure of how fast an object is moving in a particular direction. It can be positive if the object is moving in one direction, or negative if the object is moving in the opposite direction.

Acceleration, on the other hand, is a measure of how the velocity of an object changes over time. It can be positive if the object is speeding up, or negative if the object is slowing down.

In this case, when the velocity is positive (object is moving in one direction) and the acceleration is negative (object is slowing down), the object's motion will slow down.

So the correct option is: The object slows down.