Wade walked 0.58 mile to school.

Which value is equivalent to 0.58?

0.58 mile can also be written as 580 yards, 942.48 meters, or 0.93 kilometers.

To find the equivalent value of 0.58, we can convert it into a different form. In this case, we can convert it into a fraction.

To do this, we can write 0.58 as a fraction by placing the decimal value over a denominator of 1. The decimal value is 0.58 and the denominator is 1.

So, 0.58 as a fraction would be 0.58/1.

Now, we can simplify this fraction by dividing both the numerator and denominator by their Greatest Common Divisor (GCD).

The GCD of 0.58 and 1 is 1 since there is no other common factor between them.

So, dividing both the numerator and denominator by 1 gives us:

0.58/1 = 0.58

Therefore, the equivalent value of 0.58 is 0.58 itself.

To determine which value is equivalent to 0.58, we can convert it to a fraction or a decimal.

0.58 is equivalent to 58/100.