since 99% of candains can _ and _ they enjoy a high standard of living.

work and read
speak and read
read and write
write and speak

Since 99% of Canadians can speak and read, they enjoy a high standard of living.

The correct answer is "read and write."

To understand this, let's break down the given options:

Option 1: "work and read." While work is an essential component to support a high standard of living, the ability to read alone does not guarantee a high standard of living. In addition to reading skills, other factors like education, qualifications, job opportunities, and income levels also contribute to a high standard of living. Therefore, this option is not accurate.

Option 2: "speak and read." While the ability to speak and communicate effectively is valuable, it alone is not enough to determine a high standard of living. In order to thrive in various aspects of life, including education, employment, and social interactions, the ability to both speak and read is essential. However, this option doesn't cover all essential skills for a high standard of living.

Option 3: "read and write." This option covers the two fundamental skills required to excel in education, communication, and career growth. The ability to read allows individuals to access knowledge, information, and opportunities, while the ability to write facilitates effective communication, documentation, and expression. These skills are imperative for personal and professional growth, enhancing one's chances of achieving a high standard of living.

Option 4: "write and speak." While both writing and speaking skills are important, they do not encompass all the necessary skills for a high standard of living. Although being able to write effectively is advantageous for formal communication, documentation, and creativity, it alone cannot fully determine a high standard of living. Similarly, the ability to speak is necessary for effective communication, but it is not sufficient on its own.

It is important to note that while the ability to read and write is highly beneficial for a high standard of living, various other factors also contribute, such as access to healthcare, income levels, social support, infrastructure, and overall societal development.

The correct answer is "read and write." Since 99% of Canadians can read and write, they enjoy a high standard of living.