A group of framers decided to form a business entity and distribute rice to buyers around PNG. This business entity is known as

"Papua Rice Distributors."

To determine the name of the business entity formed by a group of framers, you would typically need to refer to the official registration documents or government records related to the business. Usually, when individuals decide to form a business entity, they would need to choose a specific type, such as a partnership, corporation, or cooperative. Generally, this choice is based on the goals, structure, and legal liabilities of the business.

In this case, since the framers are distributing rice to buyers, they might have chosen to form a cooperative. A cooperative is a business entity typically owned and operated by its members, who work collaboratively to meet common economic, social, and cultural needs. In a cooperative, the members pool their resources and share the profits or benefits based on their contributions.

To find the specific name of the business entity formed by the framers, you would need to consult local business registration records, documentation filed with relevant government agencies, or get in touch with the framers directly for the accurate name.

To establish a business entity that distributes rice to buyers around Papua New Guinea (PNG), the framers could consider forming a cooperative or a partnership.

1. Cooperative: A cooperative is an autonomous association of individuals or businesses who voluntarily come together to fulfill their common economic, social, and cultural needs through a jointly-owned and democratically-controlled enterprise. In this case, the framers can create a cooperative that focuses on distributing rice to buyers in PNG. They will have shared ownership, decision-making power, and profits. The specific name for the cooperative can be determined by the framers themselves.

2. Partnership: A partnership is a business structure where two or more individuals share ownership and management responsibilities. In this scenario, the framers can form a partnership to distribute rice. They can collectively decide on a name for their partnership that reflects their business activities and goals, such as "PNG Rice Distributors" or "Framer's Rice Partnership."

Before finalizing the selection of a business entity and name, it is important for the framers to research and comply with the legal and regulatory requirements set forth by the government of PNG, including obtaining any necessary licenses or permits. Consulting with a legal professional or business advisor would be beneficial to ensure compliance with all relevant laws and regulations.