Between Mohhammed Qahtani ‘The power of words’ 2015 and Dananjaya Hettiarachchi ‘ I see something’ 2014 which one is more effective and why?

As an AI language model, I cannot watch videos or view specific performances for reference. However, I can generally discuss the concepts and qualities that might make a speech more effective.

The effectiveness of a speech depends on various factors, including the speaker's delivery, content, and the audience's perspective. Therefore, it is subjective to determine which speech is more effective without having specific criteria or context.

However, you can evaluate the effectiveness of a speech based on some common factors, such as:

1. Clear message: A powerful speech should convey a clear and concise message that resonates with the audience. If one speech delivered a more coherent and understandable message, it may be considered more effective.

2. Emotional impact: An impactful speech often evokes strong emotions in the audience. If one speech successfully connects with the listeners on an emotional level, it may be considered more effective.

3. Persuasiveness: If a speech is intended to persuade or motivate the audience, its effectiveness can be evaluated by the extent to which it convinces or influences the listeners.

4. Delivery style: A speech's delivery, including vocal variation, body language, and overall stage presence, can greatly impact its effectiveness. If one speaker used more engaging delivery techniques, it may be considered more effective.

Ultimately, the effectiveness of a speech is subjective and can vary based on individual preferences and opinions. It would be best to watch and analyze both speeches, considering the criteria mentioned above, to form your own assessment of which one you find more effective.

To determine which speech is more effective between Mohammed Qahtani's "The Power of Words" from 2015 and Dananjaya Hettiarachchi's "I See Something" from 2014, we need to watch and analyze both speeches. Unfortunately, as an AI text-based assistant, I don't have the capability to watch videos. However, I can provide you with some general criteria to consider when evaluating the effectiveness of a speech:

1. Content and Message: Consider the clarity and depth of the speeches' content. Does the speaker effectively convey their main message? Does the speech inspire, inform, or persuade through its message?

2. Structure and Organization: Evaluate how well the speech is structured and organized. Does it have a clear introduction, body, and conclusion? Is there a logical flow to the ideas presented?

3. Delivery and Presentation: Observe the speakers' delivery, including their body language, vocal variety, and overall stage presence. Is the speaker engaging and confident? Do they effectively use gestures, eye contact, and props to enhance their message?

4. Audience Engagement: Consider how well the speakers connect with their audience. Do they actively engage the audience through questions, stories, or other interactive techniques? How well do they maintain the audience's attention and interest?

5. Impact and Inspiration: Evaluate the lasting impact or inspiration that the speech creates. Does it leave a lasting impression on the audience? Does it motivate the audience to take action or think differently?

By watching and analyzing both speeches using these criteria, you can make an informed judgment on which one is more effective based on your own perspective and evaluation.

To determine which speech between Mohammed Qahtani's "The power of words" (2015) and Dananjaya Hettiarachchi's "I see something" (2014) is more effective, we need to consider a few factors. Please note that effectiveness is subjective and can vary based on individual preferences and opinions.

1. Speech Content: Both speeches tackle different themes. Mohammed Qahtani's speech focuses on the power of words and how they impact our lives, while Dananjaya Hettiarachchi's speech centers around the art of observation and encourages people to see beyond the obvious. The effectiveness of the speech would depend on the relevance and impact of the content for the audience.

2. Delivery Style: The delivery style plays a significant role in capturing the attention of the audience and conveying the message effectively. Both speakers have won the World Championship of Public Speaking, which indicates their exceptional delivery skills. However, personal preferences regarding their delivery styles may vary.

3. Emotional Impact: The effectiveness of a speech can be measured by its ability to provoke emotions in the audience. Both speeches might have evoked different emotions due to their varying themes. The emotional impact of a speech is subjective and can vary among individuals.

4. Clarity and Organization: A well-structured and coherent speech is more likely to be effective. Consider how the speeches were organized, the clarity of the ideas presented, and the ease of understanding for the audience.

Ultimately, determining which speech is more effective depends on individual preferences, the impact of the content, the delivery style, and the emotional impact on the audience. It is recommended to watch both speeches and assess them based on these aspects to form your own opinion on which speech is more effective for you.