A family is in a stable with a newborn child.

Adoration of the Shepherds
by Nicolaes Maes

Digital image courtesy of the
Getty’s Open Content Program

Which of the following is present in this painting?

(1 point)

mostly warm, bright oranges and reds
mostly warm, bright oranges and reds

tactile texture the viewer can feel
tactile texture the viewer can feel

contrast in value between light and dark
contrast in value between light and dark

radical balance from the painting’s center
radical balance from the painting’s center

contrast in value between light and dark

To determine which of the options is present in the painting, you can closely examine the artwork and analyze its elements.

Start by looking at the colors used in the painting. Is there a dominant presence of warm, bright oranges and reds? If you observe that the painting mostly consists of warm hues like oranges and reds, then you can conclude that the option "mostly warm, bright oranges and reds" is present in the painting.

Next, consider the texture of the painting. Tactile texture refers to a texture that can be felt or is suggested by the appearance of the artwork. However, since this is a 2D digital image, it is not possible to physically feel the texture. If you cannot perceive any kind of texture that mimics a tactile sensation, then you can conclude that the option "tactile texture the viewer can feel" is not present in the painting.

Moving on, consider the contrast between light and dark values in the painting. Look for significant differences between areas that are well-lit and those that are in shadow. If you observe such contrast in value, then you can conclude that the option "contrast in value between light and dark" is present in the painting.

Lastly, analyze the composition of the artwork. Does the painting exhibit radical balance from the center, meaning that the elements are distributed equally and perfectly symmetrical around the center point? If you observe such balance, then you can conclude that the option "radical balance from the painting’s center" is present in the painting.

By closely examining the colors, texture, contrast, and composition in the painting, you can determine which of the options are present.

In the painting "Adoration of the Shepherds" by Nicolaes Maes, the following elements are present:

1. Mostly warm, bright oranges and reds: This painting predominantly features warm, bright oranges and reds in its color scheme.

2. Tactile texture the viewer can feel: There is no mention of tactile texture in the question, so it cannot be determined if it is present in the painting or not.

3. Contrast in value between light and dark: The painting does exhibit contrast in value between light and dark areas, creating a sense of depth and dimension.

4. Radical balance from the painting's center: It is not specified in the question whether the painting has radical balance from its center. Thus, it cannot be determined if this element is present in the painting.

A sailboat sits on a river with a bridge nearby.

The Bridge at Argenteuil
by Claude Monet

Courtesy National Gallery of Art,

How did the artist create interesting textures in this image?
(1 point)

by experimenting with various brushstrokes
by experimenting with various brushstrokes

by using only one color
by using only one color

by concentrating on negative space
by concentrating on negative space

by using no value changes
by using no value changes

The artist, Claude Monet, created interesting textures in the painting "The Bridge at Argenteuil" by experimenting with various brushstrokes.