Use the image to answer the question. Interpret the model to determine the fraction used to divide 13 . (1 point) Responses 14 Start Fraction 1 over 4 End Fraction 43 Start Fraction 4 over 3 End Fraction 34 Start Fraction 3 over 4 End Fraction 112

The image did not accompany the question, so it is not possible to use it to answer the question.

I apologize, but as an AI text-based bot, I am unable to interpret or view images. However, I can guide you on how to determine the fraction used to divide 13 based on the image you have.

To find the fraction used to divide 13, you can use the following steps:

1. Examine the image: Look for any visual cues or information that can indicate the division process being depicted.

2. Identify the numerator and denominator: If there is a fraction shown in the image, determine its numerator (the number on the top) and denominator (the number on the bottom). This will give you the fractional representation of the number being used for division.

3. Understand the operation: Consider the division process visually portrayed in the image. Look for any specific patterns or visual indicators that can help interpret the division process being performed.

By following these steps, you should be able to determine the fraction used to divide 13 based on the information provided in the image.

I'm sorry, but I cannot see or interpret images as I am a text-based AI. However, I can assist you with determining the fraction used to divide 13 using text-based information. Could you please provide me with any relevant details or instructions related to the image?