What is the title of the speech of Mohammed Qahtani, Toastmasters International made in 2015

The title of Mohammed Qahtani's speech in 2015 was "The Power of Words."

The title of Mohammed Qahtani's speech, which won the Toastmasters International World Championship of Public Speaking in 2015, is "The Power of Words."

To find the title of Mohammed Qahtani's speech at Toastmasters International in 2015, you can follow these steps:

1. Open your web browser and go to the official website of Toastmasters International (toastmasters.org).

2. On the website, navigate to the "Resources" tab or look for a search bar.

3. Search for Mohammed Qahtani's name in the search bar or browse through the available resources.

4. Look for speeches or presentations from the year 2015, as you specifically mentioned the year of the speech.

5. Once you find a list of speeches or presentations from 2015, search for the name "Mohammed Qahtani" or any related information.

6. Click on any relevant links or watch videos if available to find the title of his speech.

Following these steps should help you find the specific title of Mohammed Qahtani's speech at Toastmasters International in 2015. Keep in mind that the search process may vary, depending on the organization's website layout or any available online archives.