What does Richard Boleslavsky mean by Concentration?

Richard Boleslavsky, a theater director and acting teacher, explains concentration as the ability to focus one's attention on a specific task or objective. In the context of acting, concentration refers to the actor's ability to fully immerse themselves in their role and stay centered in the present moment. Boleslavsky believes that concentration is the foundation of an actor's work and is crucial for creating authentic and believable performances. He emphasizes the importance of actors being fully present and engaged in their character's circumstances, thoughts, and emotions, while also being aware of their surroundings and their fellow actors. By cultivating concentration, actors are able to effectively communicate their character's intentions and engage the audience.

Richard Boleslavsky, a renowned theater director and acting teacher, discussed the concept of concentration in his book "Acting: The First Six Lessons." He refers to concentration as the ability of an actor to focus their attention completely on the task at hand, blocking out any distractions or extraneous thoughts.

According to Boleslavsky, concentration is vital for an actor as it allows them to fully inhabit the character they are portraying and to be present in the moment. It helps them to connect with the emotions, thoughts, and objectives of the character, and to respond truthfully to their circumstances on stage.

Boleslavsky suggests that concentration is not just a mental state but a physical one as well. It involves using all of one’s senses and being fully aware of one's surroundings, including the other actors and the audience. By being completely present and focused, the actor can bring authenticity and depth to their performance.

Furthermore, Boleslavsky emphasizes the importance of developing a disciplined mind and body to achieve concentration. He encourages actors to practice exercises like meditation, observation, and physical warm-ups to enhance their ability to concentrate and remain fully present in their performance.

In summary, Richard Boleslavsky defines concentration as the ability of an actor to fully focus their attention, both mentally and physically, on the task at hand. It is a key element in portraying a character authentically and creating a compelling performance.

Richard Boleslavsky, a renowned theater director and acting theorist, emphasized the concept of "concentration" as a crucial aspect of an actor's performance. According to Boleslavsky, concentration refers to the actor's ability to focus their attention entirely on their objective or task at hand, while excluding any external distractions or thoughts.

To understand Boleslavsky's notion of concentration, we can delve into his writings and teachings on acting techniques. One of his well-known works, "Acting: The First Six Lessons," provides valuable insights into concentration. Boleslavsky suggests that actors must be fully present in the moment, immersing themselves in the character's world and their objectives.

To achieve concentration, Boleslavsky advises actors to follow these steps:

1. Identify the character's objective or goal within the scene: Understanding the character's desire or intention is crucial for focusing the actor's attention.

2. Clear the mind of distractions: It is essential to rid oneself of any external disturbances or intrusive thoughts that could hinder concentration. This can be achieved by finding a calm and quiet environment or mentally blocking out distractions.

3. Utilize physical and sensory techniques: Boleslavsky recommends using physical and sensory exercises to connect with the character's world. This may involve using visualization techniques, physical warm-up exercises, or applying the sense memory technique to recall relevant emotions and experiences.

4. Stay in the present moment: Boleslavsky emphasizes the importance of being fully present in the scene, focusing on the immediate interaction and reacting spontaneously rather than anticipating or planning ahead.

By applying these techniques, actors can enhance their ability to concentrate and deliver a more authentic and compelling performance. Practice, discipline, and self-awareness are key elements in developing concentration skills in acting.