How many times has the sun risen since the old man had put to sea in the old man and the Sea

The answer to this question is not stated or provided in the book "The Old Man and the Sea" by Ernest Hemingway. The passage of time is not specified in terms of exact days or sunrises in the story.

"The Old Man and the Sea" is a novella written by Ernest Hemingway and was published in 1952. The story follows the journey of an old fisherman named Santiago who sets out to sea and encounters various challenges.

Given that the story is fictional and the specific number of days or times the sun rose during Santiago's journey is not provided, it is not possible to determine the exact number of times the sun rose since the old man had set out to sea in "The Old Man and the Sea."

To find out how many times the sun has risen since the old man set to sea in "The Old Man and the Sea," we need to know the specific date or time period mentioned in the story. Unfortunately, you have not provided that information.

However, you can figure out the approximate number of sunrises by estimating the number of days the old man was at sea. Look for hints or information in the story that suggest the duration of his voyage. Once you have an estimated number of days, you can assume that each day consists of one sunrise.

For example, if the story mentions that the old man was at sea for 80 days, it can be assumed that the sun has risen 80 times since he set sail.

Without further details or information from the story, it is impossible to provide an accurate answer.