Nada has trouble motivating herself to stick with her workout plan. What is a proven way for her to increase the likelihood of completing her workouts?

She should write down her plan in her calendar.
She should always plan to work out alone.
She should purchase expensive workout clothes.
She should plan extremely difficult workouts.​

She should write down her plan in her calendar.

To increase the likelihood of completing her workouts, Nada can follow these proven steps:

1. Write down her plan in her calendar: By scheduling her workout sessions and treating them like important appointments, Nada can create a sense of commitment and hold herself accountable.

2. Find a workout buddy or join a fitness community: Exercising with a partner or being part of a supportive group can provide motivation, accountability, and make workouts more enjoyable. This social aspect can help Nada stay motivated and stick to her workout plan.

3. Set realistic and achievable goals: Rather than planning extremely difficult workouts that may be overwhelming, Nada should set realistic and manageable goals. This will allow her to celebrate small victories and maintain a positive attitude towards her workouts.

4. Start with small steps and gradually increase intensity: Encourage Nada to begin with manageable workout sessions and then gradually increase the intensity, duration, or frequency of her workouts. This progressive approach helps build momentum and prevents burnout or injury.

5. Mix up the routine: Instead of sticking to the same workout routine, Nada should vary her activities and incorporate different types of exercises. This helps prevent monotony and keeps her engaged and motivated.

6. Focus on the benefits and rewards: Remind Nada to focus on the positive outcomes and benefits of regular exercise, such as improved health, increased energy, stress reduction, and achieving her fitness goals. She can also reward herself for reaching milestones or sticking to her workout plan as a way to stay motivated.

7. Prioritize self-care: Encourage Nada to prioritize rest and recovery, as they are integral parts of any fitness plan. By allowing herself adequate rest and recovery time, she can prevent burnout and have more energy to stay motivated for her workouts.

The proven way for Nada to increase the likelihood of completing her workouts is to write down her plan in her calendar.

Here's how writing down her plan in her calendar can help:

1. Visual Reminder: By writing down her workout plan in her calendar, Nada creates a visual reminder of her commitment. Seeing the scheduled workouts in her calendar can serve as a constant reminder and increase her motivation to stick to the plan.

2. Accountability: When Nada writes down her workouts, she establishes a sense of accountability. Knowing that she has committed to completing specific workouts on specific days can create a sense of responsibility to follow through on those commitments.

3. Organization: By having a written plan, Nada can organize her schedule and prioritize her workout sessions. This helps her ensure that she dedicates enough time for exercise and reduces the chances of conflicting commitments or procrastination.

However, it's worth mentioning that the other options you mentioned (working out alone, purchasing expensive workout clothes, planning extremely difficult workouts) may have their own benefits but might not specifically address the motivation issue that Nada is facing. Each of these options can have varying degrees of effectiveness depending on the individual's preferences and circumstances.