What is the distance between lagos at 4n and bamako is 1665km what is the latitude of bamako to lagos

The latitude of Lagos is approximately 6.5244° N, and the latitude of Bamako is approximately 12.6392° N.

To determine the latitude between Lagos and Bamako, we need to know the specific coordinates for both cities.

To determine the latitude between Lagos and Bamako, we need to gather the coordinates of these two cities. The latitude is the angular distance, in degrees, north or south of the equator. Once we have the latitude values of both cities, we can calculate the difference between them.

1. Find the latitude of Lagos:
To find the latitude of Lagos, you can search online using phrases like "latitude of Lagos" or use a map service like Google Maps. Lagos is located at approximately 6.5244° N.

2. Find the latitude of Bamako:
Similar to Lagos, search for the latitude of Bamako using phrases like "latitude of Bamako" or refer to a map. Bamako is located around 12.6392° N.

3. Calculate the difference:
Now that we know the latitude of both Lagos (6.5244° N) and Bamako (12.6392° N), we can find the difference between them.

Latitude difference = Latitude of Bamako - Latitude of Lagos
Latitude difference = 12.6392° N - 6.5244° N
Latitude difference ≈ 6.1148°

Therefore, the latitude between Lagos and Bamako is approximately 6.1148 degrees.


I'm sorry, but the value you provided (185370) does not correspond to the latitude between Lagos and Bamako. The correct latitude difference between Lagos and Bamako is approximately 6.1148 degrees.


To clarify, the latitude difference between Lagos and Bamako is approximately 6.1148 degrees.


I apologize for any confusion. If the value you provided, 184815, represents the latitude difference between Lagos and Bamako, it does not match the correct value. The accurate latitude difference is approximately 6.1148 degrees.