Henri was born with a condition that makes it complicated for him to improve his gross motor coordination. However, his fine motor coordination is very well-developed. When visiting a physical therapist, what will likely be the MOST common focus of Henri’s treatments?

exercises to increase his speed

exercises to raise his heart rate

exercises involving heavy weights

exercises involving large muscles

D. exercises involving large muscles

The most likely common focus of Henri's treatments when visiting a physical therapist would be option D: exercises involving large muscles. Since Henri has a condition that complicates his gross motor coordination, the physical therapist will likely focus on improving his ability to use and control his larger muscle groups involved in activities such as walking, running, jumping, and balancing. This would help him with his overall body movements and coordination.

To determine the most common focus of Henri's treatments when visiting a physical therapist, we can analyze the given information about his condition. It states that Henri has difficulty improving his gross motor coordination but has well-developed fine motor coordination.

Gross motor coordination refers to the ability to control the large muscles of the body for activities such as crawling, walking, and running. On the other hand, fine motor coordination involves the precise control of small muscles for tasks like writing, drawing, and manipulating small objects.

Given that Henri's gross motor coordination is the area that needs improvement, the likely most common focus of his treatments would be to specifically target and enhance his gross motor skills.

Therefore, option D, exercises involving large muscles, would be the most likely focus of Henri's treatments. These exercises might include activities aimed at improving his balance, posture, strength, and coordination in areas such as walking, running, jumping, and other gross motor activities.