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This is a model to help students understand the process of photosynthesis, which allows plants to create their own food. The GREATEST limitation of this model is that
A the roots are visible in the model.the roots are visible in the model.
B the cellular structure of the plant is not included.the cellular structure of the plant is not included.
C the comparative size of the plant and the Sun are inaccurate.the comparative size of the plant and the Sun are inaccurate.
D it is incomplete and does not show all reactants and products.

D it is incomplete and does not show all reactants and products.

The greatest limitation of this model is that:

D) it is incomplete and does not show all reactants and products.

To determine the greatest limitation of the model, we need to analyze each response option.

A) The first option states that the roots are visible in the model. To determine if this is a limitation, we need to understand the importance of roots in the process of photosynthesis. However, the question does not provide information about the role of roots in photosynthesis. Therefore, we cannot conclude whether the visibility of roots in the model is a limitation.

B) The second option suggests that the cellular structure of the plant is not included in the model. Photosynthesis involves several cellular processes, and understanding the cellular structure of the plant is crucial to comprehending how the process occurs. If the model does not include the cellular structure, it could be considered a limitation.

C) The third option indicates that the comparative size of the plant and the Sun is inaccurate in the model. This could be a limitation if understanding the scale and proportion between the plant and the Sun is important for comprehending photosynthesis. However, the question does not provide information about the significance of this comparison in the process, so we cannot determine if it is a limitation.

D) The fourth option states that the model is incomplete and does not show all reactants and products of photosynthesis. Photosynthesis involves several reactants (such as carbon dioxide and water) and products (such as glucose and oxygen). If the model does not represent all of these, it could be considered a limitation.

To determine the greatest limitation, we would need more information about the importance and relevance of each aspect of the model. However, based on the information provided, option D seems to be the most plausible limitation.