What is an inciting incident?(1 point) Responses an event that serves as closure after falling action an event that serves as closure after falling action an event that introduces conflict during rising action an event that introduces conflict during rising action an event that introduces characters or setting an event that introduces characters or setting an event that serves as a turning point in the story

An inciting incident is an event that introduces conflict during the rising action and serves as a turning point in the story.

An inciting incident is an event that serves as a turning point in the story.

An inciting incident is an event that serves as a turning point in a story. It is an event that introduces conflict during the rising action. To identify the inciting incident in a story, you can follow these steps:

1. Read or watch the story carefully to understand the overall plot and characters.
2. Identify the beginning of the story and the initial setup or exposition, which introduces the main characters and setting.
3. Pay attention to the rising action, which is the part of the story where conflicts and tensions start to increase.
4. Look for a significant event or action that changes the direction of the story and heightens the conflict.
5. This event is the inciting incident, as it sets the story in motion and leads to further developments.

By analyzing the key elements of a story and identifying the changes in conflict and plot direction, you can determine the inciting incident.