Explain how to solve -6w = -42 on 7th grade level.

To solve the equation -6w = -42 on a 7th-grade level, you need to find the value of "w" that makes the equation true.

Step 1: Start by understanding what the equation means. The equation -6w = -42 shows that when you multiply -6 by a number "w," you get -42.

Step 2: To find the value of "w," divide both sides of the equation by -6. Remember that when you divide both sides by the same number, the equation remains equal.

-6w / -6 = -42 / -6

This simplifies to:
w = 7

Therefore, the solution to the equation -6w = -42 is w = 7.

To solve the equation -6w = -42, we need to find the value of w. We can do this by following these steps:

Step 1: Start by dividing both sides of the equation by -6. This cancels out the -6 on the left side of the equation.

-6w / -6 = -42 / -6

Step 2: Simplify both sides of the equation. Dividing -6w by -6 gives us w on the left side, and dividing -42 by -6 gives us a positive number on the right side.

w = 42 / 6

Step 3: Divide 42 by 6 to find the value of w.

w = 7

So the solution to the equation -6w = -42 is w = 7.

To solve the equation -6w = -42 on a 7th-grade level, we need to isolate the variable 'w' on one side of the equation. Here's how you can do it step by step:

Step 1: Start by writing down the equation: -6w = -42.

Step 2: Our goal is to get the variable, 'w,' alone on one side of the equation. We can do this by performing inverse operations.

Step 3: The first inverse operation we need to do is to divide both sides of the equation by -6. By dividing both sides by the same number, we keep the equation balanced. Doing this gives us:

-6w / -6 = -42 / -6.

Step 4: Simplify each side of the equation. On the left side, -6w / -6 simplifies to just 'w'. On the right side, -42 / -6 equals 7. So now, the equation becomes:

w = 7.

Step 5: Our final step is to check our solution. We can do this by substituting the value we found for 'w' back into the original equation. Replacing 'w' with 7, we have:

-6(7) = -42.

Following the order of operations, simplify the left side: -6 * 7 = -42.

The left side (-42) is equal to the right side (-42), which confirms that our solution is correct.

So, the solution to the equation -6w = -42 is w = 7.