A small popcorn at the movie theater holds 0.72 cup of popcorn.


To find which fraction represents the amount of popcorn in a small size at the movie theater, we need to find the fraction value that is closest to 0.72.

Converting the fractions to decimal form, we have:

2/7 = 0.2857
18/25 = 0.72
12/17 = 0.7059
1/15 = 0.0667

Among these fractions, 18/25 is the closest to 0.72. Therefore, 18/25 represents the amount of popcorn in a small size at the movie theater.

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To determine which of the fractions 2/7, 18/25, 12/17, and 1/15 is closest to 0.72, you can divide each fraction and compare the decimal results.

Let's calculate the decimal equivalents of each fraction:

- 2/7 = 0.2857142857142857
- 18/25 = 0.72 (exactly 0.72, as the numerator is equal to 72% of the denominator)
- 12/17 = 0.7058823529411765
- 1/15 = 0.06666666666666667

Comparing the decimals, we can see that 0.72 is exactly equal to the fraction 18/25.

Therefore, the fraction that is closest to 0.72 is 18/25.