How would you write, in Spanish, ""This painting is beautiful"? (1 point) Responses El pintura ser bonita. El pintura ser bonita. La pintura son bonito. La pintura son bonito. La pintura es bonita.

La pintura es bonita.

The correct response is: "La pintura es bonita."

The correct way to write "This painting is beautiful" in Spanish is "La pintura es bonita."

To get to this answer, there are a few things you need to know. First, the word for "painting" in Spanish is "pintura." Second, the verb "to be" is translated as "ser" in this context when describing an inherent characteristic, such as beauty. And lastly, the adjective "beautiful" is translated as "bonita" because "pintura" is a feminine noun.

Putting it all together, the correct way to say "This painting is beautiful" in Spanish is "La pintura es bonita."