is it true manfred steger argues that the expansion and the stretching of social relations ,activities and connections is not a charectaristics of globalisation

No, that statement is not accurate. Manfred Steger, a prominent scholar in the field of globalization studies, actually argues the opposite. He defines globalization as "the expansion and intensification of social relations and consciousness across world-time and world-space." According to Steger, one of the key characteristics of globalization is precisely the broadening and deepening of social relations, activities, and connections beyond national boundaries.

No, that statement is not true. Manfred Steger, a prominent scholar in the field of globalization studies, argues precisely the opposite. He conceptualizes globalization as a process that involves the expansion and stretching of social relations, activities, and connections across borders. Steger views globalization as a multi-faceted phenomenon that occurs in economic, political, cultural, and social realms, resulting in increased interconnectivity and interdependence among people and nations.

To confirm whether Manfred Steger argues that the expansion and stretching of social relations, activities, and connections is not a characteristic of globalization, we can follow these steps:

1. Conduct a search: Start by searching for Manfred Steger's work on globalization. Look for books, articles, or any other publications where he discusses his views on this topic.

2. Review his work: Once you have found relevant sources, carefully read the content to understand Manfred Steger's arguments about globalization. Look for key statements, arguments, or theories that address the expansion and stretching of social relations, activities, and connections.

3. Analyze his perspective: Pay attention to the context, tone, and overall message conveyed by Manfred Steger in his work. See if he presents any evidence, data, or theoretical frameworks to support his claims or if he directly addresses the question of whether the expansion and stretching of social relations are characteristics of globalization.

4. Consider external perspectives: Besides Manfred Steger's work, look for other academic sources or experts who have analyzed or critiqued his arguments. This can provide a well-rounded understanding of different perspectives on the topic.

5. Form your own opinion: After reviewing the available information, you can form your own opinion on whether Manfred Steger argues that the expansion and stretching of social relations, activities, and connections is not a characteristic of globalization.

Remember that it is crucial to consider the content of Manfred Steger's work directly because interpretations or summaries can sometimes misrepresent an author's perspective.