Which option contains all of the other options listed?



The option that contains all of the other options listed is "chromosome." A chromosome is made up of a pair of chromatids held together by a centromere, and it contains genes.

To determine which option contains all of the other options listed, we need to understand the relationships between these terms.

1. Centromere: It is the region of a chromosome where two sister chromatids are connected.

2. Gene: It is a segment of DNA that contains the genetic information required for the production of a particular protein or functional RNA molecule.

3. Chromatid: It is one of the two identical copies of a replicated chromosome, which are joined together by a centromere.

4. Chromosome: It is a structure made up of DNA and proteins that carries the genetic information in the form of genes.

Based on the relationships between these terms, we can deduce that a chromosome contains all of the other options listed. A chromosome consists of genes, which are segments of DNA. Each chromosome is made up of two chromatids that are connected at the centromere. Therefore, the correct answer is "chromosome."