What would be the construction of a major scale starting on no G would it be GABCDEFG on what would it be?

If you want to construct a major scale starting on G, the notes would be as follows: G - A - B - C - D - E - F# - G.

The construction of a major scale starting on G is as follows:

1. Start with the note G.
2. Move up a whole step (two half steps) to the note A.
3. Move up a whole step to the note B.
4. Move up a half step to the note C.
5. Move up a whole step to the note D.
6. Move up a whole step to the note E.
7. Move up a whole step to the note F# (also written as Gb).
8. Finally, move up a half step to the note G, which completes the octave.

Therefore, the G major scale is G-A-B-C-D-E-F#-G.

To construct a major scale starting on a given note, you need to follow a specific pattern of whole steps (W) and half steps (H). The pattern for a major scale is W-W-H-W-W-W-H.

If you wanted to construct a major scale starting on G, you would apply this pattern starting from G and following the steps:

Starting note: G
Whole step (W) up from G: A
Whole step (W) up from A: B
Half step (H) up from B: C
Whole step (W) up from C: D
Whole step (W) up from D: E
Whole step (W) up from E: F#
Half step (H) up from F#: G

So, the major scale starting on G would be G-A-B-C-D-E-F#-G.

Note: The reason F# is used instead of F is because the major scale has a pattern of whole steps and half steps, and in the case of G major, the seventh note is F#.