Which of the following decribes the relationship between an idiomatic phrase and a lieral phrase?

a. A literal phrase is straightforward language that interprets the figurative meaning of an idiomatic phrase
b. A literal phrase states the meaning of an idiomatic phrase.
c. An idiomatic phrase presents non-literal language that influences the connotation of the literal meaning.
d. An idiomatic phrase restates the meaning of a literal phrase to make it easier for a reader to understand

c. An idiomatic phrase presents non-literal language that influences the connotation of the literal meaning.

c. An idiomatic phrase presents non-literal language that influences the connotation of the literal meaning.

The correct answer is c. An idiomatic phrase presents non-literal language that influences the connotation of the literal meaning.

To understand the relationship between an idiomatic phrase and a literal phrase, it is important to know their meanings:

- A literal phrase is a straightforward expression that represents the actual or dictionary meaning of the words used. It is language that is understood at face value.
- An idiomatic phrase, on the other hand, is a group of words that have a meaning different from the literal interpretation. It includes expressions, sayings, or figures of speech that have become part of a language's common usage.

The relationship between the two can be described as follows:

- An idiomatic phrase presents non-literal language: Idiomatic phrases use words and expressions in a way that goes beyond their literal meanings. These phrases are often deeply rooted in a language's culture or history.
- Influences the connotation of the literal meaning: When an idiom is used, it adds a layer of figurative or metaphorical meaning to the words. This can create connotations or associations that go beyond the words' literal interpretation.
- A literal phrase may interpret the figurative meaning of an idiomatic phrase, but it is not its primary purpose: While a literal phrase can be used to explain the figurative meaning of an idiomatic phrase, this is not its main function. The concept of literal and idiomatic phrases are distinct from each other.

So, option c correctly describes the relationship between an idiomatic phrase and a literal phrase.