Fill in the words for a meaningful sentence: A _________ is a relationship between two or more _______. Responses Denominator, Nominator, Proportion, Ratios,

A proportion is a relationship between two or more ratios.

A proportion is a relationship between two or more ratios.

To fill in the words for a meaningful sentence, we need to understand the context of the sentence.

The sentence states that "A _________ is a relationship between two or more _______."

Looking at the options given, we have Denominator, Nominator, Proportion, and Ratios.

Based on the context, the word "relationship" suggests that we are looking for a term that describes the connection or connection between two or more objects or entities.

Therefore, the word that fits in the blank is "Ratio."

Hence, the complete sentence is: "A ratio is a relationship between two or more objects/entities."