Which strategy could be used to determine the meaning of an analogy? (1 point)


Rewrite the analogy in literal terms.
Rewrite the analogy in literal terms.

Analyze the connection between what is being compared.
Analyze the connection between what is being compared.

Find language that is literal.
Find language that is literal.

Determine whether another comparison could be added.

Analyze the connection between what is being compared.

The strategy that could be used to determine the meaning of an analogy is to analyze the connection between what is being compared.

The strategy that could be used to determine the meaning of an analogy is to analyze the connection between what is being compared. This involves carefully examining the relationship and similarities between the two elements in the analogy. By understanding how the two things are related, it becomes easier to grasp the intended meaning of the analogy. To do this, one should consider the characteristics, functions, and properties of both elements in the analogy. By doing so, one can unravel the underlying message or concept being conveyed by the analogy.