who is Praiseworthy in By The Great Horn Spoon?

In the book "By the Great Horn Spoon!" by Sid Fleischman, the character Praiseworthy is the nickname of the butler of the main character, a young boy named Jack Flagg. Praiseworthy is an African American man who accompanies Jack on his journey from Boston to California during the Gold Rush.

In the novel "By the Great Horn Spoon!" by Sid Fleischman, Praiseworthy is one of the main characters. His full name is Praiseworthy Wordworthy and he is a loyal and resourceful butler to Jack Flagg's family. He accompanies Jack on a journey from Boston to California during the Gold Rush in the mid-1800s. Praiseworthy is known for his strength, cleverness, and ability to always find a solution to any problem they encounter.

"Praiseworthy" is a character in the book "By The Great Horn Spoon!" by Sid Fleischman. To find out more about this character, we can follow these steps:

1. Start by searching for the book "By The Great Horn Spoon!" by Sid Fleischman. You can search for it on a bookstore website, a library catalog, or an online search engine.

2. Look for a description or summary of the book. This will usually give you a brief overview of the main characters in the story.

3. In the description or summary, look for any mentions of the character named "Praiseworthy." It may describe his role in the story or provide some details about his background.

4. If the description or summary doesn't provide enough information, you can try reading online reviews, book analysis, or even the book itself to learn more about the character.

By following these steps, you should be able to find more information about Praiseworthy in the book "By The Great Horn Spoon!"