Which challenge faced by farmers in the late 1800s were state Granger Laws intended to address? (1 point) Responses high farm debt high farm debt high tariff rates high tariff rates high railroad fees high railroad fees high crop prices high crop prices

high railroad fees

The challenge faced by farmers in the late 1800s that state Granger Laws were intended to address was high railroad fees.

The challenge faced by farmers in the late 1800s that state Granger Laws were intended to address was high railroad fees.

To find the answer, we can break down the question and do some research.

First, let's understand what Granger Laws were. Granger Laws were a series of state laws enacted in the late 1800s in the United States, primarily in the Midwest. These laws were aimed at regulating the rates charged by railroads and grain elevators.

Next, we need to identify the challenge faced by farmers during that time. One of the major challenges farmers faced was high transportation costs imposed by railroads. Railroads had a monopoly over transportation, and they often charged exorbitant fees, resulting in farmers facing significant financial burdens.

By understanding what Granger Laws were and the challenges faced by farmers, we can conclude that the state Granger Laws were intended to address high railroad fees.