value if 2/3(-6+4)

To calculate 2/3(-6+4), we first simplify the parentheses by adding -6 and 4, which equals -2.

Then, we multiply the result (-2) by 2/3:

(-2) * (2/3) = -4/3

Therefore, the value of 2/3(-6+4) is -4/3.

To find the value of the expression 2/3(-6+4), you can follow these steps:

1. Start by simplifying the expression inside the parentheses (-6+4).
-6 + 4 = -2

2. Replace the simplified expression (-2) inside the parentheses.

3. Now, multiply the result (-2) by 2/3.
(-2) * 2/3 = -4/3

Therefore, the value of the expression 2/3(-6+4) is -4/3.

To find the value of the expression 2/3(-6+4), we will follow the order of operations, which is also known as the PEMDAS rule.

1. Start by simplifying the expression within the parentheses (-6+4).
-6 + 4 = -2

2. Now, substitute the simplified expression back into the original expression:
2/3 * (-2)

3. Multiply the fraction 2/3 by -2:
2/3 * -2 = -4/3

Therefore, the value of the expression 2/3(-6+4) is -4/3.